Connections Quarterly Magazine is our quarterly printed and digital magazine. Each issue includes member-submitted stories and articles, Chamber event recaps, member ads, and business-focused articles relevant to our members. If you haven't already, please check out our Essential Legislation Businesses Need to Know!
Advertise with Us!
Our quarterly magazine is sent out to our entire membership (~800 local businesses) in both physical and digital formats. That reach equates to approximately 15,000-20,000 employees in McHenry County. We believe that advertising in our magazine is a fantastic and affordable opportunity for our members to spread awareness of their business to the Greater Crystal Lake Area. If interested in advertising in the quarterly Connections Magazine please reach out to Katie Sinde, the Chamber's Marketing Communications Manager by email at or 815.459.1300 x15 for rates and available ad space!
Our quarterly magazine is sent out to our entire membership (~800 local businesses) in both physical and digital formats. That reach equates to approximately 15,000-20,000 employees in McHenry County. We believe that advertising in our magazine is a fantastic and affordable opportunity for our members to spread awareness of their business to the Greater Crystal Lake Area. If interested in advertising in the quarterly Connections Magazine please reach out to Katie Sinde, the Chamber's Marketing Communications Manager by email at or 815.459.1300 x15 for rates and available ad space!
Submit An Article!
Chamber members may send in news submissions/press releases for the magazine. Submissions are restricted to 250 words or less of newsworthy information. Any photos that are to be included must be attached separately. Contact for more information.